Helping students navigate resources for personal, financial or academic wellness.

大学生活压力很大. The Help-A-Zip Referral is a great way to connect with a staff member for resources, 指导, 以及与UA部门的联系. Support and resources are available for graduate, law, and undergraduate students.


  • 学者 (missed assignments, academic shortfalls, repeated absence from class, academic advising, 等.);
  • 心理健康 (心理咨询服务、抑郁、焦虑、物质依赖等.);
  • 财务状况 (意外的经济困难), 教科书费用, FAFSA, 财务账户, 赠款和贷款, 学费/费用, 等.);
  • 个人/社会调整 (人际关系、社会满足感、乡愁等.) or;
  • 保健/保健财政援助 (到卫生服务处就诊和注射流感疫苗的代金券).

正常情况下, this quick and easy form provides ZipAssist with basic information about individual student needs and concerns. 回应提交, a member of the team will reach out in response to a submission with resources and an opportunity to schedule a meeting for conversation and 支持.


调用 波胆平台警察局 在任何时间 330-972-2911 or 9-1-1.

艺的 咨询检测中心 有空吗?.m. 到5点.m.星期一至星期五. 呼叫 330-972-7082.

More than 50 percent of college students admit to having suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives.

Typical reasons for college students to attempt suicide include relief from physical or emotional pain, 分手后, 或者是因为学业上的挣扎. 自杀是可以预防的. 为自己或朋友寻求帮助.


帮助性行为不端的受害者: 立即寻求帮助.


  • UA警察: 电话:330-972-2911
  • UA第九条团队: Trained UA staff and 教师 that can answer your questions about reporting sexual misconduct
  • 麦地那和萨米特县强奸危机中心: 员工直接与UA学生一起工作. 该中心提供危机干预, 支持, 为性侵幸存者提供宣传和其他资源. 该中心的24小时热线是330-434-RAPE. 中心在学生娱乐中心246室设有办公室 & 健康中心. 在正常工作时间拨打波胆平台办公室330-972-6328.


It is most important for students to know that Mike and the Rape Crisis Center employees are committed to 支持ing individuals who have experienced sexual violence, but they have different responsibilities as it relates to confidentiality when it comes to reporting an incident. 

Here’s what you need to know about how federal and state regulations define reporting responsibilities:

  • 与第九条副协调员的对话, 尽可能保密吗, but information about sexual misconduct incidents must be shared with relevant administrators (and in the case of sexual assault, 与执法部门合作), so that the university can take any action necessary to protect the safety of the campus community and to comply with Ohio’s crime reporting laws.
  • If a person indicates a desire to report a sexual assault to any UA employee, that employee should advise the person about her/his applicable reporting obligations and available confidential resources. A UA employee may have an obligation to report sexual misconduct to law enforcement or a Title IX Coordinator. 请参阅有关报告义务的更多信息.
  • Confidential resources on campus available to sexual assault survivors are licensed counselors at UA’s 咨询检测中心 (330-972-7082)或有执照的保健专业人员 学生健康服务 (330-972-7808). 
  • 强奸危机中心的团队不是UA的员工, 并且没有大学雇员那样的报告义务. A sexual assault survivor who reaches out to the center can remain anonymous. 

Anyone who has experienced sexual assault does not have to file a formal complaint to receive assistance, but will receive information about all of her/his options to keep themselves and the campus safe. All efforts will be made to respect the privacy wishes of victims of sexual assault; however, the university must balance all requests for privacy/confidentiality with the need to provide a safe learning and working environment for all.

We prepared to help any students through the difficult course of actions that are required to recover from a sexual assault.

CARE团队 is a group of University professionals who provide 指导 and assistance to students who are experiencing crises, 表现出奇怪或不寻常的行为, or are engaging in other behaviors that may be perceived as being harmful (either to the student individually, 对别人也一样). CARE代表危机、评估、转诊和评估

CARE团队 accepts referrals and responds to students (and their families, 教师, 和工作人员)关心学生的健康, 福利, 安全是确定的.

CARE团队 also 支持s members of the University community who interact with at-risk students by assessing and evaluating situations, 与参与或受学生行为影响的个人进行沟通, and providing referrals and resources to assist and address behavioral concerns.


艺的 咨询检测中心 有空吗?.m. 到5点.m.星期一至星期五. 打电话给330-972-7082.

The University offers an 8-hour certification for Mental Health First Aid for Higher Education. 看到细节.

学生健康服务 provides health care on campus to enrolled students. 要求预约. 呼叫 330-972-7808.

学生健康服务位于 学生娱乐和健康中心卡罗尔街382号260室. 俄亥俄州阿克伦44325-1101.



当学生健康服务中心关闭时, students needing immediate medical attention for acute illnesses or injuries may seek care at Akron City Hospital or Cleveland Clinic Akron General. 住院治疗和/或救护车运输费, 如果需要, 这是学生的责任吗.

请参阅提供晚间和周末服务的医疗机构 在大阿克伦.

艺的 波胆平台橱柜 能帮助获得食物吗. 可提出要求 在线.

For 支持 and/or access to technology during the delivery of 在线 classes, please 填妥此表格.



出于学术考虑,转介通知将发送至 ZipAssist员工的一员. This colleague will make attempts to contact the student and recommend resources appropriate for the situation, and connect the student to their appropriate advising unit for further assistance.

学费/费用推荐 将由 ZipAssist员工的一员, who will access available resources and then discuss options with the student.

任何有 个人/社会性质 将由 ZipAssist员工的一员, who will contact the student to assess the nature of the concern and connect the student to appropriate resources including the 咨询检测中心, 辅导, 波胆平台和/或社区机构的各种办公室. Some referrals involve more than one resource and the Help-A-Zip team will work collaboratively to address complex concerns with colleagues across campus.

任何涉及到 紧急财政援助性质 将由 ZipAssist员工. These professionals will access available resources and discuss immediate options with the student.

对于任何 ZipsTech请求, 推荐信将被发送给ZipAssist的工作人员, 谁将审核你的学生账户来验证你是否有资格参加这个项目. 如果符合条件, he or she will connect you with the Computer Center to schedule a pickup of the device(s).



330-972-6467 or